本組為培育學生具備電腦動畫製作,網頁設計,數位遊戲製作等相關多媒體專業技術與創意才能,訓練學生具備多方位的人文思考與涵養,並保持正向的學習態度與敬業精神。 本系於民國77年創辦電腦動畫課程,為台灣第一所擁有電腦動畫相關課程之科系。許多畢業之學生,不僅成為台灣電腦動畫相關產業領域之翹楚,也在海外知名動畫公司任職(如:美國皮克斯、藍天;日本東映動畫)。目前課程規劃朝數位內容產業相關方向發展:包括數位媒體企劃、電腦動畫、網頁設計、遊戲製作等方向,所開課程除一般大學所教授基礎美術教育理論與設計課程外,並輔以與數位多媒體相關的課程, 如:電腦繪圖、電腦動畫製作(一)(二)、數位多媒體企劃、影像意象學、電腦動畫劇本寫作、電腦動畫創作、影像合成特效等,使用軟體包括: Photoshop、Illustrator、3DS MAX、Blender、Premiere、Zbrush、Mudbox、After Effect、Toom Boom Studio。與網頁製作相關課程有:網頁設計、進階網頁設計。與數位遊戲製作相關課程有: 電腦繪圖程式設計、多媒體製作、數位遊戲製作、後期製作,並順應時代演變在各課程中適時加入相關課程,如:VR、AR,以應數位時代之電腦美術設計人才之大量需求。
Modelu of Computer Animation
This module aims to develop students’ abilities in both professional skills and talented creativities. It focuses on aspects of computer animation, web design, digital game product and multi-media related professions. Apart from cultivating students’ diversified thinking and concept in evolving humanity, this module also emphasis on educating student’s learning attitude in order to have constant improvements and professional hard-working spirit.
Founded in 1988, this module offered the first undergraduate computer animation courses in Taiwan. Alumni from this module are now leaders in Taiwan’s computer animation industry. The curriculum of this module towards to train professions for digital content industry, it includes the planning and design for digital media, computer animation, homepage design, and digital game workshop. Other than the common basic courses in fine arts and general design area, this module offers multi-media related courses, such as computer graphics, computer animation (I) and (II), the planning and design for digital media, script writing for animation, and the special effect design for films and animations. Professional software used in this module are Photoshop, Illustrator, Auto CAD, 3DS MAX, Premiere, Zbrush, Mudbox, After Effect, and Toom Boom Studio. Courses that related to web design are homepage design, advanced homepage design. Those who are interested in digital game product can take courses such as computer graphics programming, multimedia, and digital game workshop. Computer programming used languages are C language, Director, VB, and Flash. This module facilitates full APPLE Mac access and constantly updates the latest knowledge to the courses in order to meet the society’s needs of a newly reformed virtual world.