本組之課程分為核心課程與專業課程兩大類,核心課程主要以室內設計之空間設計概念與創作為教學主軸,從大二到大四之課程名稱分別為室內設計(一)(二)、專題室內設計室內設計專題創作及室內設計畢業製作等,課程採工作室(Design Studio)及個別討論之教學方式,並以漸進之流程使初學者在穩定中達成基本技巧之訓練,使同學了解室內設計之精神及全貌。

Modelu of Interior Design
This model has two emphases: the core courses and the professional courses. The core courses mainly focus on teaching design concepts and creative issues of interior space. From the second to the final year, this module provides gradually in-depth courses, including Interior Design (I), Interior Design (II), Interior Design Conceptual Project, and Interior Design Graduation Project.
Professional courses include interior design, perspective rendering techniques, indoor environment and furniture, 2D & 3D interior design computer graphics, history of interior design, human factors and building material, construction & engineering management, the international discussion on interior design, and interior design graduate project.
Students are trained to synthesis discourses and practice of an interior design project through a summer internship on the third year as well as provided case studies. The fourth year course, construction & engineering management, helps students apprehend and associate with the real world profession. From development of design concept to a construction plan and finally an accomplished project, this module brings students insider contemplations of the profession, interior design.
This module emphasis on applying the observation of aesthetics experience from daily life environment to design project. Module of interior design opens the best potential careers, graduates could become residential space designer, commercial space designer, exhibition space designer, interior designer for special needs (such as showroom design), furniture designer, environment and architecture related designer and organizer.
The graduates of this group have great potential in their future careers. Jobs relevant to residential space planning, business space design, systematic furniture design and planning, environment and architecture are all good choices for our graduates.