

著重於金屬工藝之產品設計發展,有別於一般的工業設計科系。本組課程除了基礎共同科目外,另有基礎金工製作、珠寶表現技法、金工專題研究、金屬產品創作、寶石學、實用金工造型欣賞、塑造、模型製作、產品設計、產品表現技法、金工畢業製作等。本組於雕塑教室、金工教室、琺瑯教室、鍛造教室、化學實驗室,備有各式鍛錘鐵砧、銲接、拋光、脫臘鑄造、中週波精密鑄造機、蒸汽洗淨機、精密車床等為台灣少數擁有完善設備的金工珠寶教育課程。以期達到能實際操作,使理論與實際並用,培養專業的設計人才。為國內外提供優異的設計人才,例如國際知名品牌Cartier、Van Cleef & Arpels、Georg Jensen、BenQ,以及Just gold、Cindy chao、Georgia Tsao、The One、Wing Jewelry、和記、今生金飾、雅特蘭、駿邑、幸運草、草山金工、乙葉夢、黃淑萍工作室等等皆有系友的傑出表現。

Modelu of Metalworking Product

Emphasis on the development of metal crafting in product design, this module is unique from other industrial design courses in Taiwan. In addition to the first year common basic courses training, this module provides expert courses, including fundamentals of metalsmithing, jewelry design Illustration, metalsmithing and Jewelry , gemology, computer added jewelry design, metalwork and multiple medium, the form appreciation of practical metalwork, modeling, manufacturing of model, product design, product rendering techniques, and a graduate project of metalworking product.

Facilitated with forging hammers and anvils, welding and burnish lost wax casting equipment, medium frequency precision casting machines, vapor washing machines, precision lathe forging enamel; this module has accesses to specialized studios, such as sculpture studio, metalwork studio, enamel studio, and chemistry lab. This module comprises both practical and theoretical in fully prepared environment. It is precious to have such wide-ranging equipped studios in Taiwan. For the purpose of cultivating young professionals, this module makes available for better learning possibilities.

Its alumni deliver remarkable design solutions for various brands, including Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Georg Jensen, BenQ, Just gold, Cindy Chao, Georgia Tsao, The One, Wing Jewelry, Golden Life, Atlen Jewelry, Glamour Fine Jewelry, Clover Gold, Grass Hill Jewelry, and YUME.