本組為了培養全方位視覺傳達設計人才,以期達到理論與實務並重之目的,除了大一基礎共同科目外,在大二分組後之專業課程包括:平面設計、印刷設計、電腦輔助設計、包裝設計、品牌策略與形象識別設計、商業影片製作、廣告學、文案寫作、畢業製作及相關應用之課程。 本組近年在新一代設計競賽視傳與包裝類皆有卓越的成績表現。畢業之校友遍佈國內外各設計、廣告、影像、插畫…等領域,更有許多優秀校友任教於各校之相關科系或成為知名品牌的經營者。

Modelu of Visual Communication
This module aims to develop professionals in the fields of visual communication through training both of their theoretical and practical capacities.
Aside with taking common basic courses in the first year, from students’ sophomore year, those who choose this module are committed to select professional courses, including graphic design, printing design, packaging design, computer aided design, computer graphics, professional photography, commercial film production, theory of advertising, advertisement planning, copy writing, branding strategy and corporate, design management, and a graduate project with indicated courses for perceiving its appropriate applications.
Graduates from this module have gained superb honors from various competitions, such as Young Designers' Exhibition (YODEX); have shown expertise in numerous fields, comprising in design, advertising, film and image making, illustration; and have had pronounced careers consisting of academies in universities as well as executives and directors in well-known brands.