1991學年度起,因應學生性向與志趣的不同,自大二起規劃出四大主修方向:電腦動畫、金工產品、視覺傳達、室內設計,成為國內目前最多元化且擁有最豐富 課程內容的設計學系,學生依興趣志願及大一基礎課程成績排序,擇一組作為主修,也可副修其他各組之課程。
本系發展特色為採取高品質的小班教學,師資均為學術 界與設計界之專家,環境與設備優異,適合設計教學與活動。2001年,本系為提昇研發品質、奠定設計學術根基,成立了應用美術研究所,並於2002年度正式招生。

History and Future Development
Under the College of Art, Fu Jen Catholic University, the Department of Applied Arts was founded in 1984 and was the first department of applied arts in Taiwan. To recruit students with different backgrounds, the requirements of competency tests have been canceled since 1990. It provides more educational opportunities for high school and vocational high school students interested in design.
Since academic year of 1991, to respond to the different characteristics and interests of students, our department has divided the students into 4 groups since their sophomore year in the university: computer animation, metalworking product, visual communication and interior design; which has made us become the department of design with the most diversified and rich courses. Students have to choose their major in the courses of one of the groups and can take other courses as supplement.
The development feature of this department is high-quality small class teaching. Our faculty are experts of the academic and design fields. We offer excellent environments and facilities, which is perfect for teaching and activities. In 2001, to improve the R&D quality of this department and to establish a profound design academic basis, the Graduate Program of Fine Arts was established, which has started to recruit new students since 2002.
Our graduate program, which is equipped with excellent teaching faculty and outstanding facilities, is an extension of the 4 major of the university program, and is combined theory and creation courses together. This program will grow into the best program in the Taipei metropolitan area and will head towards international.
In 2010, for the multiplex development of university and the mission of providing a lifelong learning environment, the Evening Division of the bachelor degree program of Department of Fine Arts was established. Student will be divided into 4 tracks: Computer Animation, Visual Communication Metalworking Product and Interior Design in the sophomore year. In 2013, for the curriculum reform, students of the Evening division will only be divided into 2 tracks: Visual Communication and Metalworking Product based on their individual interests in the sophomore year. Students learn through the diversified and rich courses and present the learning outcome in the final graduation project.

- 人性尊重與道德品操之強化:養成術德兼備、品端技精之設計專才。
- 學術專業與創意思維之養成:啟發學生發揮想像、激發創意,鼓勵創新試探與新思維的拓展。
- 設計理論與實務應用之結合:理論與實務配合,強化科技與人文的良性整合。
- 自我文化與國際視野之薰陶:引導學生關懷在地文化、拓展國際視野與世界觀的設計理想。
- 團隊意識與產學合作之推展:培養良性之溝通互動能力,以及群己關係之平衡發展,凝聚優質的團隊力量奉獻人群。
The Goals of Our Department
- Strengthening humanity respects and moral ethics: cultivating design talents with outstanding skills and good characteristics.
- Cultivating academic profession and creative thinking: inspiring students’ imagination and creativity and encouraging innovative attempts and new thinking exploration.
- Integrating design theories and practice: strengthening the perfect combination of technology and humanity through both theories and practice
- Cultivating local cultures and broadening international vision: inspiring students’ care for local cultures and cultivating their international vision as well as design concept.
- Advocating group works and industry-academic cooperation: cultivating effective communication and interaction ability, balanced group-individual relationships, generating excellent team power and making contributions to the society.